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  • Name: Dam Firmager
  • Job Title: Audit
  • Location: Chatham
  • Degree: School Leaver
  • Areas of Specialism: Audit and Assurance

How did you get your job at KR?
The application process took place over three stages. This included:

  • Three online tests: numerical, verbal and logical
  • Half day Assessment Centre with an initial interview, group exercise and in-tray test
  • Second interview with a Partner and Senior Managers

Why did you choose Kreston Reeves?
I had several different options to choose from but after my second interview I found myself in a position where I had to look no further. My second interview felt like it was not just an opportunity for Kreston Reeves to know me but also a chance for me to know them. It was clear that Kreston Reeves is a firm eager to grow, and with that growth will come opportunity to develop that you may not find at a larger firm. I wanted to be a part of this. Kreston Reeves also offer award winning training that I could not turn down.

What are your main roles in your current position?
Currently my role is to assist seniors with the planning and completion of audits. However, I have found that since starting Kreston Reeves are happy to push you at a rate you are comfortable with. I have been here for just under two years and have already been given the responsibility of controlling several audits which has been great for my development.

I have also had the opportunity to work on the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities for the firm, being made the Chatham Office representative. This has given me the opportunity to work on ways that we can raise money for Charity (for instance I led the implementation of a RAG, or Raise And Give, event at Kreston reeves for the first time) and work towards making sure we are doing the best we can for the environment. This is currently very topical in the public eye and something that I am keen to develop at Kreston Reeves, but it is great that I am being given the opportunity to do to so.

How do you see yourself progressing from your current position in the next 3 years?
In the next 3 years I see myself gaining more audits to be responsible for and training new starters on the job, which is something that I am very much looking forward to doing. As the world of accountancy adapts to the modern era, I also our role adapting towards advising clients. I hope that I can begin to gain some more insight into advisory and see where this takes me.

In 3 years’ time I should also be a fully qualified Chartered Accountant, which will open up a world of opportunities and allow me to focus solely on my progression at work and my hobbies.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to work at Kreston Reeves?
Learn as much as you can about the firm’s values and take the opportunity at the assessment centre and second interview to ask as many questions as you want to. Working here is not just about whether you are right for the firm, but also whether the firm is right for you. Go prepared with questions that you have really thought about and think about what motivates you.

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