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  • Name: Becky Hesketh
  • Job Title: Part Qualified ACA Chartered Accountant
  • Location: Manchester
  • University: Liverpool John Moores
  • Degree: Accounting and Finance
  • Areas of Specialism: Audit and Assurance

Why did you choose this profession?

Working within the audit sector allows you to expand your knowledge and understand how different companies work. It is heavily dependent on your understanding of accounting principles and also auditing standards. You work as a team when you are booked on a client, this improves your relationship with colleagues and also enhances your teamwork skills.

What attracted you to your role?

I was first attracted to Beever and Struthers by the strong female leadership. Both executive partners of the firm are female, and there is a high percentage of female partners throughout the firm. As accountancy has historically been a male-dominated industry, this was inspiring to me.

What attracted me to External Audit was the incredibly varied client base, which has a large focus on public companies. I enjoy the variety, as every week is different from the last. You are constantly working with different people in different companies.

I found the role at Beever and Struthers by researching the firm and then applying directly via the website.

What was the application process like?

I started in my role during covid, therefore the application process was slightly different back then. I applied using the form on the website and had an interview with the Training Partner via Teams. I found the application process straight forward and really applicant friendly, as the online application form gives you the opportunity to get some of your personality across as it asks about you as a person and your hobbies.

Currently, you can apply online through our website. If you are successful, you will then be invited to an online interview. After this, you will be invited to one of our offices for an applicant day where you will meet other applicants.

What are your main duties?

As I am now a Senior, I work closely with Manager’s and Partners. I liaise with the client to arrange the logistics of the job and to ensure that we have all the information required before our allocated time. On the job, I will allocate the work to the various members of the team and support them with any queries they have. I will take on the risker and more challenging areas of the audit at the same time. Being allocated to a job from planning to completion is essential to ensure continuity and familiarity for the client.

Is it a 9-5 job?

Beever and Struthers allow you to start work from 7am – 9.30am and work 7.5 hours a day. There is also the option to work from home once you have been trained and are deemed eligible to work on your own without support. Part of audit is working at client’s offices so you may be expected to work from other places.

What skills are useful in this profession?

Skills that are useful in the audit profession are communication, teamwork and professional scepticism. You need to ensure that you can communicate well with your team as it is a group effort to get the work completed. Professional scepticism comes into play when you are looking at client’s information. You need to be able to look at what information they have provided and think ‘is this right?’.

Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to enter the profession?

My advice for anyone wanting to join the profession is to make sure that you are determined and ready to gain the ICAEW qualification as this is a large requirement of the role. This qualification is not for the faint-hearted and will be incredibly tough at times, but the qualification opens up lots of potential for future growth.

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